Buy Domains Via PayPal - Something to Watch Out For

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One word about buying domains via PayPal with Moniker. They'll add a small fee for using PayPal. Also let us say that you regged a name that is already taken - your money would be returned to your Moniker account but you won't be able to get that money back into your PayPal account. You will have to use that money to reg another name or buy some other product.
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Here is a true story about buying domains via PayPal and something you might want to bear in mind.
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You know what happened - PayPal cancelled my account on the basis that I violated their terms of service. Now, I know that online poker is illegal in the US but I had just bought the domain for resale - I had no intention of starting an online poker bitcoin with paypal instantly no verification, paypal to bitcoin exchange, bitcoin to paypal exchange, forex deposit via paypal, belanja online dengan paypal, forex broker paypal deposit, trading paypal, paypal money earn, make money online paypal, forex paypal deposit 1,
So what is the point of this story? When you sell a domain, if the buyer elects to pay you via PayPal - ask the buyer not to mention the name in the PayPal "message to the seller box" especially if the domain name is in the vice category.
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Reviewed by Admin Goraden
6:18:00 PM