Never Swipe A Credit Card Again
One of the best ways to save money online is by using a virtual credit card. With this service; you still get the same financial backing from your bank, but without the need to disclose your actual credit card number. It is the best way to protect your personal information online. As opposed to typing in your actual card number when shopping online; you key in a "virtual" or "fake" number. The virtual number is linked to your authentic card number and protected by computer encryption.
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eBay offers the verified account monster service. With this service, card holders can verify their selling account on eBay without the need to disclose their personal information. eBay provides the user with a 16 digit virtual card number to use while conducting business transactions on their website. Vcccheap is another virtual card brand. The card holder can use the virtual number to like wise verify their eBay seller account as well.
Amazon offers a virtual proprietary credit card which consumers can use to purchase items. Amazon financial services and Citibank are the proprietors of this card service. Amazon also offers credit to their customers who are not card holders. They provide a line of credit to consumers who opt for any of their virtual card services. Like wise the card holder is issued a 16 digit "virtual" card number to use when conducting online transactions. The service makes consumers feel safe when carrying out business transactions on Amazon and not have to worry about accidentally leaking their private information.
With the advancements of technology today and the immense popularity of the internet, there are numerous ways to conduct online transaction in the safest and most secure channels. The days of handing out highly sensitive personal information and placing financial privacy at risk are long gone. It was practically impossible to conduct online transactions without a credit card not so long ago.
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Reviewed by Admin Goraden
8:09:00 AM